Community & Connection
Doing life together.
Our heart is for people. We love being a part of our local community and getting to know everyone, no matter their background or beliefs. We believe church is more than just Sundays so we run activities throughout the week that help us connect at different ages and stages. Life is better when we do it together.
Bible Care Groups
Life is best done in community with Bibles and hearts open. We have groups that regularly spend time together in the word and doing life together.
For Men
Men (and women) of the church are invited to play golf on the second Saturday of each month. Contact the Church Office for more details.
Men's Breakfast
Our quarterly men’s breakfasts are a great opportunity to hear from God’s word, enjoy good food and get to know men of all ages.
For Women
KYB (Know Your Bible)
On Mondays at 10am during school terms ladies of all ages meet at the church to study God’s word together.
Monday Mums
Church mums with their bubs/toddlers meet fortnightly at 10am during school terms for fellowship, bible study and morning tea.
Single ladies over 50 enjoy fellowship and morning tea together on the second Tuesday of each month at 10.00am.
Other events
Our church holds regular events to connect ladies of all ages including breakfasts, afternoon teas and evening activities.
Table Tennis
Meet new friends and enjoy our free table tennis sessions on the 1st and 3rd Sundays (after our morning service) and 1st, 3rd and 5th Thursdays (7-9pm). All skill levels welcome and all equipment provided.
For Families
We love families at CHBC and seek to help them grow in the knowledge and love of Jesus. Right from the youngest to the oldest in your family.
Our playgroups for parents and carers with babies and preschoolers meet on Tuesdays and Fridays at 10am during school terms in the downstairs play area.
Mainly Music
A fun session for young children and their carers to enjoy and create music together on Wednesdays at 9.30am during school terms.
Monday Mums
Church mums with their bubs/toddlers meet fortnightly at 10am during school terms for fellowship, bible study and morning tea.
Monthly Dinners
On the last Sunday of each month we enjoy dinner together after our 5pm service.
More during the week

Kids of all ages are welcome at CHBC on Sundays and at our various activities during the week.

Youth + Young Adults
Our one80 youth group meets at church every Friday night during school terms. We give teens a safe place to make friends, ask questions and experience God. Our young adults also meet together regularly.

On Thursdays at 10am during school terms we host English conversation classes for all levels. Everyone is welcome as we share stories, look at God’s word and enjoy morning tea together.